Firm News

Firm News2021-07-12T15:59:12+00:00

Follow the history of our firm’s accomplishments in various types of cases.

May 2022

May 20, 2022

May 20, 2022|Criminal Law, OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman showed a violation of our client’s rights to make their choice to take or refuse the OWI test based on correct information per Iowa Code section 321J.6.  In this Polk county case the officer had misinformed the defendant about a small part of the consequences and this enabled Mr. Rothman to win the argument that kicks out the breath test from use at trial.  Such ruling also forces the DOT to give the defendant back their driving privileges.

April 2022

April 12, 2022

April 12, 2022|Criminal Law, OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with Burglary in the 1st degree a class B felony in Madison county.  A class B felony is the 2nd highest level of crime in Iowa and it is the same level as attempted murder.  The penalty for this charge is 25 years in prison and as it is a forcible felony, it comes with a mandatory 17.5 years before you can try to parole.  There were weaknesses in the state’s case and in the end, the client decided to take a deal for a reduction to a serious misdemeanor assault which is the same level as an OWI 1st.  With the agreement, the client also gets a deferred judgment that will allow him to expunge the assault charge and even the record of arrest with the clerk of court, after only 6 months.

December 2021

Dec 01, 2021

December 1, 2021|Criminal Law|

Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with Possession of Narcotics in Dallas county Iowa. He filed a motion to suppress the drugs found alleging the officer violated the client’s constitutional protections regarding search and seizure by searching without reasonable grounds. The prosecutor decided not to even contest the motion and just filed a motion to dismiss all charges and even asses the court costs to the state.  No conviction of any kind will be entered and the defendant can qualify to expunge the fact that he was even charged.

November 2021

Nov 4, 2021

November 4, 2021|OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman’s argument that his client’s consent was not voluntary as the officers indicated that the criminal side and DOT civil side were different matters.  The state agreed the error was present and decided not to even contest the matter.  The Jasper county judge agreed.  The client plead to a reduced traffic charge and this ruling also serves to overturn the DOT OWI sanctions as well so she wont have to lose her driving privileges.

Nov 2, 2021

November 2, 2021|Criminal Law|

Frank Steinbach argued that the consent the client gave to the officer to allow the officer to search his car was made under duress and violated his constitutional rights.  The State decided to contest the matter but the Judge ruled in our favor.  As such the possession charge must be dismissed.  Due to the dismissal, the client can even have the matter expunged so that there will be no public record of the arrest or charge.

Nov 1, 2021

November 1, 2021|OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman argued that the consent the client gave to submit to a breath sample was not voluntary as the officers gave him incorrect information regarding his prior conviction impacting this case.  The Dallas County judge agreed with our argument and granted out motion to suppress the test results.  This ruling also serves to overturn the DOT sanctions as well.

October 2021

Oct 13, 2021

October 13, 2021|OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman showed that his Polk County client’s rights to an independent test were violated when the officer technically refused a request for a 2nd follow up urine test.  A Polk county prosecutor argued the matter but the Court sided with Daniel and his client.  The Court agreed that there was Iowa Code 321J.11 violation and suppressed the State’s breath test.  Afterwards, the state made an offer for a lesser charge, which the client happily accepted as it will complete save his CDL and his job.

September 2021

Sep 8, 2021

September 8, 2021|Criminal Law, OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman argued a violation of 321J.11 occurred regarding the client’s rights to an independent test.  The administrative law judge agreed with our argument and rescinded the OWI revocation from the client’s DOT record.  His DOT history will not even show the charge for the OWI and he will not need SR22 insurance, a breathalyzer or any other obligation.  He can drive just as he did before the OWI.

Sep 3, 2021

September 3, 2021|Criminal Law, OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with OWI and assault on an officer in Jasper county Iowa.  Daniel filed a motion to suppress on behalf of the client alleging that the officer had violated her rights and constitutional protections on illegal searches.  The state decided to contest the matter but the Judge agreed with our arguments and granted the motion to suppress evidence of guilt in its entirety.  Key evidence of alleged guilt will now be inadmissible at trial.

August 2021

Aug 19, 2021

August 19, 2021|OWI Law|

Daniel Rothman showed that his client’s rights were violated when an Iowa State Trooper, in Polk county, violated Iowa Code Section 804.20 by incorrectly informing him of his phone call rights and not offering the inappropriately limited version of the rights, in a timely fashion. A Polk county prosecutor reviewed the matter and decided to stipulate the motion to suppress and not even contest it. The Court agreed with the violation and suppressed all evidence obtained by the state after the violation.  As a result, the client’s OWI was amended to a non-alcohol related traffic citation with a fine and no other penalty.  Also, the IDOT must now withdraw the OWI sanction from the client’s DOT record and reinstate his CDL and regular driving privileges, in full.

May 2021

May 26, 2021

May 26, 2021|Personal Injury|

The Firm acquired a $175,000 settlement through mediation for his client who suffered injuries due to a fall in Polk County.

May 17, 2021

May 21, 2021|Criminal Law|

Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with Fraudulent Practices in Dallas county Iowa. After over a year of litigation, including several depositions where attorney Rothman showed the state all the flaws in the police investigation, the State dismissed all charges. No conviction of any kind will be entered and the defendant can qualify to expunge the fact that he was even charged.

April 2021

Apr 28, 2021

April 28, 2021|OWI Law|

The client was charged in Dallas County with an OWI 1st offense. Attorney Nick Carda discussed the facts with the client and ultimately reached out to the prosecutor. The case was dismissed with prejudice with the State ordered to pay court costs. This charge will be eligible to be expunged in 6 months.

Apr 5, 2021

April 5, 2021|Criminal Law|

Client was charged with theft 5th in Polk County. After Attorney Nick Carda discussed the weaknesses in the case with the State, the State agreed to dismiss the case via plea agreement.

March 2021

Mar 09 , 2021

March 9, 2021|Criminal Law|

Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with domestic assault causing injury in Polk County. Daniel pushed the issue employing an effective strategy. The prosecutor agreed to dismiss the case in its entirety. As the case was dismissed by the state the client will have no conviction and can even have the arrest and charge expunged off all public records.

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