Follow the history of our firm’s accomplishments in various types of cases.
January 2025
January 8th, 2025
Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with domestic assault in Polk County. As the case was litigated it became more apparent from the evidence that our client was, in fact, the victim and should not have been charged at all. The client had to fight the case as they would have lost their job otherwise given the sensitive nature of their profession. After 4 months of work, the state was finally persuaded to dismiss the charge without even going to trial. The public record of the charge and all related matters will also be expunged.
September 2024
September 25th, 2024
A client of Daniel Rothman was charged with an OWI in Jasper County. Daniel contested the issues of the case over several months. After a year of litigation, the state finally agreed to amend the OWI to a reckless driving ticket even though there was an accident and the Defendant had a long history of prior related offenses.
September 24th, 2024
Daniel Rothman filed a motion to suppress for his client in Polk County, arguing that several mistakes were made regarding the field tests. The state agreed that the officer had not done several of the tests as required and agreed to the motion to suppress. The client was able to avoid the OWI charge and the DOT will also take the OWI off of their records.
July 2024
July 24th, 2024
Daniel Rothman’s client was falsely charged with domestic assault in Polk county. Such a charge would have had a disastrous impact on the client’s career. After months of litigation and numerous flaws in the case being shown, the state dismissed the charge with prejudice so that it can’t be refiled for any reason. The record of the charge can be expunged as well.
March 2024
March 8, 2024
Daniel Rothman filed a motion to suppress for a client in Polk county arguing that the video footage clearly showed the officers did not meet the reasonable grounds standard to even begin the OWI investigation, based on a prior case that Daniel had argued before the court of appeals. The state conceded that our argument was correct. All charges against the defendant were dismissed and the state even paid the court costs. The DOT must also take the OWI off of the client’s driving record and the client will be able to expunge the arrest so there is no trace of the OWI on his DOT or criminal record.
January 2024
January 1, 2024
A client of Daniel Rothman was looking at felony drug charges in Polk County. Daniel filed a motion to suppress for his client arguing that the officer did not have grounds to call for a police dog and that the officer intentionally stalled to make time for a police k-9 unit to arrive. The client decided that given their history of numerous drug convictions that they didn’t want to risk the fight and to take a guaranteed offer for a simple misdemeanor paraphernalia charge with a $100 fine and no probation.
November 2023
November 11, 2023
Daniel Rothman argued, during a client’s DOT hearing, that the revocation should be rescinded as the officers did not meat their burden on the operation element of the OWI. Although not often an issue in an OWI, in this case the officers did not see the client drive and did not confirm if the parked car was running etc. As such the judge ruled in our favor and we prevailed on both the DOT hearing and on the criminal side of the case.
October 2023
October 13, 2023
A client of Daniel Rothman was charged with an OWI in Jasper county. Daniel filed a motion to suppress for his client arguing that the officer did not follow proper procedures regarding the implied consent notification material. Both the State and the Court agreed and the matter was dismissed by the state, without a contested hearing, due to the clearly presented flaws set out in the motion. In addition to the dismissal the DOT must give back the driving privileges to the client which includes his CDL. The record of arrest and charge will be expunged as well.
September 2023
September 6, 2023
Due to his profession, a client of Daniel Rothman, could not plead to an OWI in Dallas County. Even though he took the test and was well over the legal limit and the margin of error he still could not plea. After a lengthy process, the charge was lowered to reckless driving which the client happily pleaded to.
September 5, 2023
Daniel Rothman’s client was able to avoid an OWI 2nd offense after he showed a violation of Iowa Code Section 321J.11. After it was demonstrated that his independent test request was not properly honored the state conceded the flaw and we were able to avoid a conviction for any level of OWI as well as having the DOT remove the OWI completely from his driving record.
September 5, 2023
Daniel Rothman filed a motion to suppress his client’s Polk County case because the officer violated his rights to make telephone calls for a lawyer in violation of Iowa Code Section 804.20. The state agreed with the motion and agreed to suppress the breath test that was above the legal limit. As such, the Iowa DOT must give back the client’s driving privileges. The state also agreed not to pursue the OWI charge.
August 2023
August 4, 2023
Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with OWI in Polk County. Per a plea agreement, the Defendant only plead to public intoxication and reckless driving. After the 2 year window we filed for a statutory expungement of the intoxication charge, the state resisted and the court denied the request. We filed a motion to reconsider to the court which was denied. We then filed a 2nd motion to reconsider showing why the grounds to deny the first motion to reconsider were erroneous. The state then noted the error and rescinded their earlier resistance and the Court agreed with the motion and finally permanently expunged the criminal conviction off of our client’s record. Had we not continued to fight (at no extra cost to the client) then the client would have been denied the expungement they were entitled to under Iowa law.
June 2023
June 20, 2023
Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with domestic assault. Given the client’s specific profession, if he plead to anything it would cost him his career and years worth of future earnings. After several months of fighting, we were able to get all charges dismissed.
November 2022
November 17, 2022
Daniel Rothman showed a violation of our client’s constitutional rights to be free from illegal search and seizure, in their OWI case. The judge ruled that the officer did not lawfully have enough cause to even order the client out of their car for field testing. As such, results from those tests and the breath test were all deemed inadmissible so the state dismissed the case. In this Story county case, the officer had indicated under oath that evidence such as slurred speech was present. After hearing the videos at a contested motion to suppress hearing the judge disagreed with the officer as to the presence of any grounds to make the defendant submit to testing. Such a ruling also forces the DOT to give the defendant back their driving privileges and the client can expunge the OWI arrest off of all public records.
November 2, 2022
Daniel Rothman’s client was charged with OWI in Jasper county. After the prosecutor was shown the flaws in the case the state filed a motion to dismiss the OWI with costs assessed to the government. Given the flaws, the DOT also will not pursue any penalty for the OWI. With the dismissal, the client can also have this matter expunged off of their record so even the initial charge will not appear on courts online or any other public database.